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What You'll Learn

Topics covered in the I.N. video

Module 1

Proina portti laoret vertis sagitt tempor vulput lectus ipsume platea intege venena semper dolors minim evenie lacusa.

Module 2

Venena evenie lectus minim vulput dolors ipsume tempor portti semper platea vertis sagitt proina intege laoret lacusa.

Module 2

Venena evenie lectus minim vulput dolors ipsume tempor portti semper platea vertis sagitt proina intege laoret lacusa.

Module 2

Venena evenie lectus minim vulput dolors ipsume tempor portti semper platea vertis sagitt proina intege laoret lacusa.

Module 2

Venena evenie lectus minim vulput dolors ipsume tempor portti semper platea vertis sagitt proina intege laoret lacusa.

Module 2

Venena evenie lectus minim vulput dolors ipsume tempor portti semper platea vertis sagitt proina intege laoret lacusa.

About Us

Our core values and guiding principles

Critical thinking

Form your own beliefs and always question them. Be open-minded but beware of dogma.

Rational beliefs & decisions: When forming beliefs or making important decisions, do so consciously and rationally.

Integrity & authenticity

Seek absolute truth and, once found, stand for it without compromise.

Value trust, your word, and correct behavior.

Don't fool yourself and others. Be authentic with your purpose in life, in your communication, your actions, etc.

Take full responsibility

Steer clear of victim mentality. You play the game of life, so you better at all times accept and take full responsibility for everything that happens in that game, no matter what, and keep moving forward from there.

Embrace change

If things aren't satisfactory in their current state, (help to) change them if it's worth the required time, effort, and resources.

Nothing worth having comes easy.

Take action

Good intentions and ideas are fundamental, but they're of no use until put into action. Follow through and produce the high-quality output that will ultimately generate maximized positive real-world results.

Keep it simple

Do, think, create, and keep only what's most important, everything else is just distraction.

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." - Einstein

Play the long game

Focus on the long term. When tackling new challenges, always consider the approach of creating and optimizing a system for the purpose. Systems can make use of leverage and automation, thereby enabling individuals to make an impact at a much greater scale.

Have patience. Don't allow short-term hardship or instant gratification to throw you off track (Micro-Macro Problem). It takes years to build the strong foundation and to produce the high-quality output that is necessary to ultimately generate maximized positive results. Learn to enjoy the journey.

Be a utilitarian

Utilitarianism (slightly altered): The right course of action is the one that will, in the long-term, produce the greatest possible net happiness (felcific calculus) for all beings.

The totality of all conscious experiences, perceived from the perspectives of every single conscious mind to ever exist, is to be optimized for net happiness.

Felicific calculus: A method of working out the sum total of happiness / pleasure and unhappiness / pain produced or caused by an act (= net happiness), and thus the total value of its consequences.


Maintain awareness of the true nature of reality, consciousness, and the self.

Be especially aware that, as rationally explained in the noself video, the self is an illusion of the mind. Individual minds generate bubbles of conscious experience, along with illusory constructs of self which they arbitrarily identify as. Figuratively speaking, the true self is universal and encompasses all conscious experiences, not only those perceived by any single mind (="Syn-Thesis™"). Act accordingly!

"Sym-" (or also "syn-") means "together" (⇒SymplAct™).